MATTHIAS ROTH | E-learning
Welcome to the home of online learning with Matthias Roth, where Jin Shin Jyutsu, mindfulness, movement, body awareness and philosophy meet. This is also the place to order his workbook, "Building a life", on Organ Function Energy.
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On my blog, I share thoughts and perspectives on the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, on matters of general interest as well as occasional videos. Don't hesitate to send me your suggestions on topics you'd like to see me explore there !
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To truly understand why I have come to call my approach to the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, to embodiment, mindfulness and touch "Jin Shin Jyutsu – Being in Movement", you probably need to feel it in your own body. If, besides online offerings that feature body centered learning, you wish to find out about in-person classes or individual sessions and coaching, follow the arrow to my main site…
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