Want to learn Jin Shin Jyutsu or deepen and personalize your understanding of it? Find out about this entirely new learning format, combining teaching videos with feeling exercises, hands-on self help and guided meditations, taking learning from purely conceptual mind to perceptual mind !
A precious tool for all energy and body workers !
Each new chapter of the course lets you discover three new videos and one mp3. On the first Friday of each month, you will find a brand new teaching video whose subject is further explored through feeling exercises in the second video and hands-on self help in the third. The month's mp3 with its guided meditation will further let the subject of the month sink into body-based experience.
As long as you are a member of the Study Circle, you can watch the month's episode and the eleven previous ones at your leisure…
In this video, let me tell you all about procedures, terms and conditions, the "how" and "when" and "what" of our Online Study circle. Make sure to sign up for the newsletter through the button above or at the end of the video to stay informed about further developments !
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